Language: Lushootseed Language code: lut Author: C.J. Adams-Collier and Daniel Mills Date: Jan 13, 2010 Source a: Snohomish Grammatical Structure.pdf (snohomish_grammatical_structure.pdf, Hess) Source b: Patterns of nominalization in Bella Coola and Lushootseed (nominals.pdf, Beck) Source c: Transitivity and Causation in Lushootseed Morphology (CAUS.pdf, Beck) Source d: phonological_phrasing.pdf Source e: Lushootseed Dictionary (Bates, Hess, Hilbert) #----Word Order----# #1 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {wo} x̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child gets lost' #2 Incorrect word order: VS instead of SV Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ det.def-dir child get.lost 'The child gets lost' #3 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {wo} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house 'I sweep the house' #4 Incorrect, cannot have two full NPs as args of a transitive verb Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ʔik̕ʷid ti č̓ač̓as ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid t-i č̓ač̓as t-i ʔalʔəl sweep det.def-dir child det.def-dir house 'the child sweeps the house' #5 Incorrect, cannot have two full NPs as args of a transitive verb Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ʔik̕ʷid ti ʔalʔəl ti č̓ač̓as ʔik̕ʷid t-i ʔalʔəl t-i č̓ač̓as sweep det.def-dir house det.def-dir child 'the house sweeps the child' #6 Incorrect word order: OVS instead of VSO Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ti ʔalʔəlʔ ʔik̕ʷid čad t-i ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid č-ad det.def-dir house sweep ind.pred-I 'I sweep the house' #7 Incorrect word order: SVO instead of VSO Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} čad ʔik̕ʷid ti ʔalʔəlʔ č-ad ʔik̕ʷid t-i ʔalʔəl ind.pred-I sweep det.def-dir house 'I sweep the house' #8 Incorrect word order: SOV instead of VSO Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} čad ti ʔalʔəlʔ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid ind.pred-I det.def-dir house sweep 'I sweep the house' #9 Incorrect word order: OSV instead of VSO Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ti ʔalʔəlʔ čad ʔik̕ʷid t-i ʔalʔəl č-ad ʔik̕ʷid det.def-dir house ind.pred-I sweep 'I sweep the house' #10 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {wo} ƛ̕ùb ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ ƛ̕ùb t-i č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ may det.def-dir child get.lost 'the child may get lost' #11 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {wo} ƛ̕ùb čad ʔik̕ʷid ti ʔalʔəl ƛ̕ùb č-ad ʔik̕ʷid t-i ʔalʔəl may ind.pred-I sweep det.def-dir house 'I may sweep the house' #12 Incorrect, object was raised, leaving a particle in the object position Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ƛ̕ùb ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid čad ƛ̕ùb t-i ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid č-ad may det.def-dir house sweep ind.pred-I 'the house may sweep the child' #13 - incorrect, subject should be raised Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ƛ̕ùb x̣ʷil̕ čad ƛ̕ùb x̣ʷil̕ č-ad may get.lost ind.pred-I 'I may get lost' #14 - incorrect, subject should be raised Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ƛ̕ùb ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl ƛ̕ùb ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl may sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house 'I may sweep the house' #15 - incorrect, aux should be first word Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} x̣ʷil̕ ƛ̕ùb čad x̣ʷil̕ ƛ̕ùb č-ad get.lost may ind.pred-I 'I may get lost' #16 - incorrect, subject should be raised Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ʔik̕ʷid ƛ̕ùb čad ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid ƛ̕ùb č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl sweep may ind.pred-I det.def-dir house 'I may sweep the house' #----Pronouns----# #Note: There is not agreement morphology with pronouns, so everything in this section is grammatical #17 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ ʔəcá x̣ʷil̕ ʔəcá get.lost I 'I get lost' #18 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ díbəɬ x̣ʷil̕ díbəɬ get.lost we 'We get lost' #19 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ dəgʷí x̣ʷil̕ dəgʷí get.lost you 'You get lost' #20 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ gʷəlápu x̣ʷil̕ gʷəlápu get.lost y'all 'Y'all get lost' #21 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ díɬ x̣ʷil̕ díɬ get.lost 'He/she/it/them get lost' #22 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ čad x̣ʷil̕ č-ad get.lost ind.pred-I 'I get lost' #23 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ čaɬi x̣ʷil̕ č-aɬi get.lost ind.pred-we 'We get lost' #24 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ čaxʷ x̣ʷil̕ č-axʷ get.lost ind.pred-you 'You get lost' #25 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ čaləp x̣ʷil̕ č-aləp get.lost ind.pred-yall 'Y'all get lost' #26 Incorrect, 3rd person particle cannot be used in matrix clause Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ čas x̣ʷil̕ č-as get.lost ind.pred-it 'he/she/it/them get(s) lost' #27 Incorrect, particles in matrix clauses require the independent-predicate prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ ad x̣ʷil̕ ad get.lost I 'I get lost' #28 Incorrect, particles in matrix clauses require the independent-predicate prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ aɬi x̣ʷil̕ aɬi get.lost we 'We get lost' #29 Incorrect, particles in matrix clauses require the independent-predicate prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ axʷ x̣ʷil̕ axʷ get.lost you 'You get lost' #30 Incorrect, particles in matrix clauses require the independent-predicate prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ aləp x̣ʷil̕ aləp get.lost ind.pred-yall 'Y'all get lost' #31 Incorrect, 3rd person particle cannot be used in matrix clause Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {pn} x̣ʷil̕ as x̣ʷil̕ as get.lost it 'he/she/it/them get(s) lost' #32 Incorrect, particles cannot be objects Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ʔik̕ʷid ti č̓ač̓as čad ʔik̕ʷid t-i č̓ač̓as č-ad sweep det.def-dir child ind.pred-I 'the child sweeps me' #Lushootseed does not have case, so this section is omitted# #----The rest of the NP----# #33 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {det} x̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child (masc) gets lost' #34 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {det} x̣ʷil̕ tsi č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-s-i č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-FEM-dir child 'the child (fem) gets lost' #35 Incorrect: Missing determiner Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {det} x̣ʷil̕ č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ č̓ač̓as get.lost child 'the child gets lost' #36 Incorrect: Determiner should precede noun Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {det} x̣ʷil̕ č̓ač̓as ti x̣ʷil̕ č̓ač̓as t-i get.lost child det.def-dir 'the child gets lost' #37 Incorrect: Particles do not take determiners Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {det} x̣ʷil̕ ti čad x̣ʷil̕ t-i č-ad get.lost det.def-dir ind.pred-I 'I get lost' #38 Incorrect: Pronouns do not take determiners Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {det} x̣ʷil̕ ti ʔəcá x̣ʷil̕ t-i ʔəcá get.lost det.def-dir I 'I get lost' #39 - Incorrect, house is non-feminine Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} ʔik̕ʷid ti č̓ač̓as tsi ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid t-i č̓ač̓as t-s-i ʔalʔəl sweep det.def-dir child det.def-fem-dir house 'the child sweeps the female house' #40 - incorrect, wife is feminine and determiner is non-fem Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} x̣ʷil̕ ti čəgʷás x̣ʷil̕ t-i čəgʷás get.lost det.def-dir wife 'the wife gets lost' #----Tense and aspect----# #41 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} ʔəsx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as static-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child is lost' #42 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} ʔux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as completive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child has become lost' #43 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} ləʔəsx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as lə-ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-static-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child is lost while going' #44 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} ləx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as lə-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child is getting lost' #45 - incorrect, aspect is marked as a prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} x̣ʷil̕-ʔəs ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕-ʔəs t-i č̓ač̓as get.lost-static det.def-dir child 'the child is lost' #46 - incorrect, aspect is marked as a prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} x̣ʷil̕ʔu ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕-ʔu t-i č̓ač̓as get.lost-completive det.def-dir child 'the child has become lost' #47 - incorrect, aspect is marked as a prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} x̣ʷil̕ləʔəs ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕-lə-ʔəs t-i č̓ač̓as get.lost-progressive-static det.def-dir child 'the child is lost while going' #48 - incorrect, aspect is marked as a prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} x̣ʷil̕lə ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕-lə t-i č̓ač̓as get.lost-progressive det.def-dir child 'the child is getting lost' #49 - incorrect, order is progressive-static, not static-progressive Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔəsləx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔəs-lə-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as static-progressive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child is lost while going' #50 - incorrect, completive is mutually exclusive with static Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔuʔəsx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔu-ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as completive-static-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child has become lost' #51 - incorrect, completive is mutually exclusive with static Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔəsʔux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔəs-ʔu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as static-completive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child has become lost' #52 - incorrect, completive is mutually exclusive with progressive Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔuləx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔu-lə-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as completive-progressive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child is getting lost' #53 - incorrect, completive is mutually exclusive with progressive Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ləʔux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as lə-ʔu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-completive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child is getting lost' #54 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} tuʔəsx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as tu-ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as past-static-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child was lost' #55 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} tuləx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as tu-lə-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as past-progressive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child had gotten lost' #56 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} tuləʔəsx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as tu-lə-ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as past-progressive-static-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child was lost while going' #57 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} tuʔux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as tu-ʔu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as past-completive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child had become lost' #58 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} ɬuʔəsx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ɬu-ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as future-static-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child will be lost' #59 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} ɬuləx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ɬu-lə-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as future-progressive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child will get lost' #60 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} ɬuləʔəsx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ɬu-lə-ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as future-progressive-static-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child will be lost while going' #61 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {tam} ɬuʔux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ɬu-ʔu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as future-completive-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child will become lost' #62 - incorrect, tu is a prefix, not suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔəsx̣ʷil̕tu ti č̓ač̓as ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕-tu t-i č̓ač̓as static-get.lost-past det.def-dir child 'the child was lost' #63 - incorrect, tu is a prefix, not suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ləx̣ʷil̕tu ti č̓ač̓as lə-x̣ʷil̕-tu t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-get.lost-past det.def-dir child 'the child had gotten lost' #64 - incorrect, tu is a prefix, not suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ləʔəsx̣ʷil̕tu ti č̓ač̓as lə-ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕-tu t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-static-get.lost-past det.def-dir child 'the child was lost while going' #65 - incorrect, tu is a prefix, not suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔux̣ʷil̕tu ti č̓ač̓as ʔu-x̣ʷil̕-tu t-i č̓ač̓as completive-get.lost-past det.def-dir child 'the child had become lost' #66 - incorrect, ɬu is a prefix, not suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔəsx̣ʷil̕ɬu ti č̓ač̓as ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕-ɬu t-i č̓ač̓as static-get.lost-future det.def-dir child 'the child will be lost' #67 - incorrect, ɬu is a prefix, not suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ləx̣ʷil̕ɬu ti č̓ač̓as lə-x̣ʷil̕-ɬu t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-get.lost-future det.def-dir child 'the child will get lost' #68 - incorrect, ɬu is a prefix, not suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ləʔəsx̣ʷil̕ɬu ti č̓ač̓as lə-ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕-ɬu t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-static-get.lost-future det.def-dir child 'the child will be lost while going' #69 - incorrect, ɬu is a prefix, not suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔux̣ʷil̕ɬu ti č̓ač̓as ʔu-x̣ʷil̕-ɬu t-i č̓ač̓as completive-get.lost-future det.def-dir child 'the child will become lost' #70 - incorrect, tu is the initial prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔəstux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔəs-tu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as static-past-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child was lost' #71 - incorrect, tu is the initial prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} lətux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as lə-tu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-past-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child had gotten lost' #72 - incorrect, tu is the initial prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ləʔəstux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as lə-ʔəs-tu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-static-past-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child was lost while going' #73 - incorrect, tu is the initial prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔutux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔu-tu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as completive-past-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child had become lost' #74 - incorrect, ɬu is the initial prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔəsɬux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔəs-ɬu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as static-future-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child will be lost' #75 - incorrect, ɬu is the initial prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ləɬux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as lə-ɬu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-future-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child will get lost' #76 - incorrect, ɬu is the initial prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ləʔəsɬux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as lə-ʔəs-ɬu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as progressive-static-future-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child will be lost while going' #77 - incorrect, ɬu is the initial prefix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {tam} ʔuɬux̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔu-ɬu-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as completive-future-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child will become lost' #----Argument optionality----# #78 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pro-d} x̣ʷil̕ x̣ʷil̕ get.lost 'he/she/it/them gets lost' #79 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pro-d} ʔik̕ʷid ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid t-i ʔalʔəl sweep det.def-dir house 'he/she/it/them sweeps the house' #80 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pro-d} ʔik̕ʷid ti č̓ač̓as ʔik̕ʷid t-i č̓ač̓as sweep det.def-dir child 'The child sweeps it/them' #81 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pro-d} ʔik̕ʷids ti č̓ač̓as ʔik̕ʷid-S t-i č̓ač̓as sweep-sg det.def-dir child 'The child sweeps me' #82 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pro-d} ʔik̕ʷidL ti č̓ač̓as ʔik̕ʷid-L t-i č̓ač̓as sweep-pl det.def-dir child 'The child sweeps us' #83 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pro-d} ʔik̕ʷidsid ti č̓ač̓as ʔik̕ʷid-S-id t-i č̓ač̓as sweep-sg-2nd det.def-dir child 'The child sweeps you' #84 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pro-d} ʔik̕ʷidLid ti č̓ač̓as ʔik̕ʷid-L-id t-i č̓ač̓as sweep-sg-2nd det.def-dir child 'The child sweeps y'all' #----Sentential negation----# #85 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {neg} xʷíʔ čad ʔik̕ʷid ti ʔalʔəl xʷíʔ č-ad ʔik̕ʷid t-i ʔalʔəl not ind.pred-I sweep det.def-dir house 'I do not sweep the house' #86 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {neg} xʷíʔ ti č̓ač̓as ʔəsx̣ʷil̕ xʷíʔ t-i č̓ač̓as ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ not det.def-dir child static-get.lost 'the child is not lost' #87 - incorrect, subject should be raised Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {neg} xʷíʔ ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl xʷíʔ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl not sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house 'I do not sweep the house' #88 - incorrect, subject should be raised Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {neg} xʷíʔ ʔəsx̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as xʷíʔ ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as not static-get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child is not lost' #89 - incorrect, negation is an aux, so should be first word Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {neg} ʔik̕ʷid xʷíʔ čad ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid xʷíʔ č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl sweep not ind.pred-I det.def-dir house 'I do not sweep the house' #90 - incorrect, negation is an aux, so should be first word Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {neg} ʔəsx̣ʷil̕ xʷíʔ ti č̓ač̓as ʔəs-x̣ʷil̕ xʷíʔ t-i č̓ač̓as static-get.lost not det.def-dir child 'the child is not lost' #91 - incorrect, negation is subject raising, not object Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {neg} xʷíʔ ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid čad xʷíʔ t-i ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid č-ad not det.def-dir house sweep ind.pred-I 'I do not sweep the house' #----Demonstratives / Definiteness----# #92 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-dir child 'the child gets lost' #93 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ tsi č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-s-i č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-fem-dir child 'the child gets lost' #94 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ kʷi č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ kʷ-i č̓ač̓as get.lost det.indef-dir child 'a child gets lost' #95 Incorrect, indefinite article cannot be used in this/that Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ kʷiʔaʔ č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ kʷ-i-ʔaʔ č̓ač̓as get.lost det.indef-dir-here child 'this child gets lost' #96 Incorrect, indefinite article cannot be used in this/that Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ kʷiʔiɬ č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ kʷ-i-ʔiɬ č̓ač̓as get.lost det.indef-dir-there child 'this child gets lost' #97 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ kʷsi č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ kʷ-s-i č̓ač̓as get.lost det.indef-fem-dir child 'a child gets lost' #98 Incorrect, the indirect article always has directed attention Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ kʷə č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ kʷ-ə č̓ač̓as get.lost det.indef-indir child 'a child gets lost' #99 Incorrect, the indirect article always has directed attention Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ kʷə č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ kʷ-s-ə č̓ač̓as get.lost det.indef-fem-indir child 'a child gets lost' #100 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ tə č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-ə č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-indir child 'the child gets lost' #101 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ tsə č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-s-ə č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-fem-indir child 'the child gets lost' #102 Incorrect, this/that only occurs with directed attention Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ təʔaʔ č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-ə-ʔaʔ č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-indir-here child 'this child gets lost' #103 Incorrect, this/that only occurs with directed attention Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ təʔiɬ č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-ə-ʔiɬ č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-indir-here child 'this child gets lost' #104 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ tsiʔaʔ č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-s-i-ʔaʔ č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-fem-dir-here child 'this child gets lost' #105 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ tiʔiɬ č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-i-ʔiɬ č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-dir-there child 'that child gets lost' #106 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ tsiʔiɬ č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ t-s-i-ʔiɬ č̓ač̓as get.lost det.def-fem-dir-there child 'that child gets lost' #107 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ tsiʔiɬ čəgʷás x̣ʷil̕ t-s-i-ʔiɬ čəgʷás get.lost det.def-fem-dir-there wife 'that wife gets lost' #108 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cogst} x̣ʷil̕ tiʔiɬ bád x̣ʷil̕ t-i-ʔiɬ bád get.lost det.def-dir-there father 'that father gets lost' #----Matrix yes/no questions----# #109 Source: a Vetted: s Judgment: g Phenomena: {q} ʔəstágʷəxʷ ʔu ʔəs-tágʷəxʷ ʔu static-hungry Q 'Is/are he/she/it/they hungry?' #110 Source: a Vetted: s Judgment: g Phenomena: {q} híkʷ čəxʷ ʔu ƛ̕uxəɬqìd híkʷ čəxʷ ʔu ƛ̕uxəɬqìd very ind.pred-you Q get.headache 'Do you generally get severe headaches?' #111 Source: a Vetted: s Judgment: g Phenomena: {q} híkʷ čəxʷ ƛ̕uxəɬqìd ʔu híkʷ čəxʷ ƛ̕uxəɬqìd ʔu very ind.pred-you get.headache Q 'You generally get severe headaches, don't you?' #112 - incorrect, when there is both an auxilliary and an overt # subject, the question particle follows the subject Source: a Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {q} híkʷ ʔu čəxʷ ƛ̕uxəɬqìd híkʷ ʔu čəxʷ ƛ̕uxəɬqìd very Q ind.pred-you get.headache 'Do you generally get severe headaches?' #113 Source: a Vetted: s Judgment: g Phenomena: {q} ƛ̕asáʔɬ ʔu ƛ̕asáʔɬ ʔu well Q 'Is/are he/she/it/they well?' #114 - {ʔu} occurs after either auxilliary or verb in accord with the # meaning. Source: a Vetted: n Judgment: u Phenomena: {q} ʔu ƛ̕asáʔɬ ʔu ƛ̕asáʔɬ Q well 'Is/are he/she/it/they well?' #115 Source: a Vetted: s Judgment: g Phenomena: {q} təɬ ʔu dəgʷí təɬ ʔu dəgʷí true Q you 'Is it really you?' #116 Source: a Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {q} təɬ dəgʷí ʔu təɬ dəgʷí ʔu true you Q 'It is really you, isn't it?' #117 - {ʔu} occurs after either auxilliary or verb in accord with the # meaning. Source: a Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {q} ʔu təɬ dəgʷí ʔu təɬ dəgʷí Q true you 'Is it really you?' #----Coordination----# #118 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {crd} x̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as ʔi čad x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as ʔi č-ad get.lost det.def-dir child and ind.pred-I 'the child and I get lost' #119 Incorrect, the NP coordination marker is polysyndeton, not omnisyndeton Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} x̣ʷil̕ ʔi ti č̓ač̓as ʔi čad x̣ʷil̕ ʔi t-i č̓ač̓as ʔi č-ad get.lost and det.def-dir child and ind.pred-I 'the child and I get lost' #120 Incorrect, the NP coordination marker occurs before the NP Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} x̣ʷil̕ ti č̓ač̓as čad ʔi x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as č-ad ʔi get.lost and det.def-dir child and ind.pred-I 'the child and I get lost' #121 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {crd} x̣ʷil̕ čaɬi ʔi ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ č-aɬi ʔi t-i č̓ač̓as get.lost ind.pred-we and det.def-dir child 'We, the child and I, get lost' #122 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl čaxʷa x̣ʷil̕ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl č-axʷ-a x̣ʷil̕ sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house ind.pred-you-and get.lost 'I sweep the house and you get lost' #123 - S-coordination is polysyndeton, not omnisyndeton (not marked on the first conjunct) Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čada ti ʔalʔəl čaxʷa x̣ʷil̕ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad-a t-i ʔalʔəl č-axʷ-a x̣ʷil̕ sweep ind.pred-I-and det.def-dir house ind.pred-you-and get.lost 'I sweep the house and you get lost' #124 - S-coordination must be marked with -a on all but the first conjunct Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl čaxʷ x̣ʷil̕ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl č-axʷ x̣ʷil̕ sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house ind.pred-you get.lost 'I sweep the house and you get lost' #125 - S-coordination must be marked with -a on all but the first conjunct Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čada ti ʔalʔəl čaxʷ x̣ʷil̕ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad-a t-i ʔalʔəl č-axʷ x̣ʷil̕ sweep ind.pred-I-and det.def-dir house ind.pred-you get.lost 'I sweep the house and you get lost' #126 - S-coordination is marked with -a on the subject; it is not a stand-alone word Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl a čaxʷ x̣ʷil̕ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl a č-axʷ x̣ʷil̕ sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house and ind.pred-you get.lost 'I sweep the house and you get lost' #127 - incorrect, coordination only occurs with particle subjects Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl ti č̓ač̓asa x̣ʷil̕ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl t-i č̓ač̓as-a x̣ʷil̕ sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house det.def-dir child-and get.lost 'I sweep the house and the child gets lost' #128 - incorrect, S-coordination causes all clauses but first to be SVO Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl x̣ʷil̕ čaxʷa ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl x̣ʷil̕ č-axʷ-a sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house get.lost ind.pred-you-and 'I sweep the house and you get lost' #129 - incorrect, S-coordination causes all clauses but first to be SVO Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} čad ʔik̕ʷid ti ʔalʔəl čaxʷa x̣ʷil̕ č-ad ʔik̕ʷid t-i ʔalʔəl č-axʷ-a x̣ʷil̕ ind.pred-I sweep det.def-dir house ind.pred-you-and get.lost 'I sweep the house and you get lost' #130 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl gʷəl x̣ʷil̕ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl gʷəl x̣ʷil̕ sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house and get.lost 'I sweep the house and he/she/it/them gets lost' #131 Incorrect, when gʷəl is used, it should fall where the pronoun subject would have been Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {crd} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl x̣ʷil̕ gʷəl ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl x̣ʷil̕ gʷəl sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house and get.lost 'I sweep the house and he/she/it/them gets lost' #----Attributive Adjectives----# #132 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {adj} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti hìkʷ ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i hìkʷ ʔalʔəl sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir big house 'I sweep the big house' #133 Incorrect, adjectives modify nouns, not NPs Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {adj} ʔik̕ʷid čad hìkʷ ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid č-ad hìkʷ t-i ʔalʔəl sweep ind.pred-I big det.def-dir house 'I sweep the big house' #134 Incorrect, adjectives precede nouns Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {adj} ʔik̕ʷid čad ti ʔalʔəl hìkʷ ʔik̕ʷid č-ad t-i ʔalʔəl hìkʷ sweep ind.pred-I det.def-dir house big 'I sweep the big house' #----Adverbs----# #135 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {adv} ck̕ʷáqid ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ ck̕ʷáqid t-i č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ always det.def-dir child get.lost 'the child always gets lost' #136 Incorrect, adjectives are auxiliaries, not modifiers of verbs Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {adv} ti č̓ač̓as ck̕ʷáqid x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as ck̕ʷáqid x̣ʷil̕ det.def-dir child always get.lost 'the child always gets lost' #137 Incorrect, adjectives are auxiliaries, not modifiers of verbs Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {adv} ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ ck̕ʷáqid t-i č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil̕ ck̕ʷáqid det.def-dir child get.lost always 'the child always gets lost' #----Embedded clauses----# #138 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {emb-d} ʔəsxə́c čad x̣ʷil ti č̓ač̓as ʔəsxə́c č-ad x̣ʷil t-i č̓ač̓as fear ind.pred-I get.lost det.def-dir child 'I fear that the child gets lost' #139 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {emb-d} ʔəsxə́c ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil ad ʔəsxə́c t-i č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil ad fear det.def-dir child get.lost I 'The child fears that I get lost' #140 Incorrect, particles in dependant clauses must not have the ind. pred. marker Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {emb-d} ʔəsxə́c ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil čad ʔəsxə́c t-i č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil č-ad fear det.def-dir child get.lost ind.pred-I 'The child fears that I get lost' #141 Incorrect, embedded clauses function as the object, not subject, of fear Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {emb-d} ʔəsxə́c x̣ʷil čad ti č̓ač̓as ʔəsxə́c x̣ʷil č-ad t-i č̓ač̓as fear get.lost ind.pred-I det.def-dir child 'The child fears that I get lost' #142 The third person particle may appear in dependant clauses Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {emb-d} ʔəsxə́c ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil as ʔəsxə́c t-i č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil as fear det.def-dir child get.lost 3rd 'The child fears that he/she/it/them get(s) lost' #143 The third person particle never takes the ind. pred. marker Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {emb-d} ʔəsxə́c ti č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil čas ʔəsxə́c t-i č̓ač̓as x̣ʷil č-as fear det.def-dir child get.lost ind.pred-3rd 'The child fears that he/she/it/them get(s) lost' #----Non-verbal predicates----# #144 Source: d Vetted: s Judgment: g Phenomena: {cop} sʔuladxʷ tiʔiɬ sʔuladxʷ t-i-ʔiɬ salmon det.def-dir-there 'That is a salmon' #145 Incorrect, non-verbal predicates precede their subjects Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {cop} tiʔiɬ sʔuladxʷ t-i-ʔiɬ sʔuladxʷ det.def-dir-there salmon 'That is a salmon' #146 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cop} sʔuladxʷ čad sʔuladxʷ č-ad salmon ind.pred-I 'I am a salmon' #147 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cop} tusʔuladxʷ čad tu-sʔuladxʷ č-ad past-salmon ind.pred-I 'I was a salmon' #148 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cop} ɬusʔuladxʷ čad ɬu-sʔuladxʷ č-ad fut-salmon ind.pred-I 'I will be a salmon' #149 Incorrect, tense in non-verbal clauses is marked on the predicate Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cop} sʔuladxʷ ɬučad ɬu-sʔuladxʷ ɬu-č-ad salmon fut-ind.pred-I 'I will be a salmon' #150 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cop,emb-d} ʔəsxə́c čad sʔuladxʷ ad ʔəsxə́c č-ad sʔuladxʷ ad fear ind.pred-I salmon I 'I fear that I am a salmon' #151 Incorrect, subjects of embedded non-verbal predicates do not take the ind. pred. marker Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {cop,emb-d} ʔəsxə́c čad sʔuladxʷ čad ʔəsxə́c č-ad sʔuladxʷ č-ad fear ind.pred-I salmon ind.pred-I 'I fear that I am a salmon' #152 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {cop,pro-d} sʔuladxʷ sʔuladxʷ salmon 'He/she/it/them is a salmon' #----Information Structure----# #153 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {wo,info} x̣ʷil ti č̓ač̓as ck̕ʷáqid̕ x̣ʷil̕ t-i č̓ač̓as ck̕ʷáqid det.def-dir child get.lost always 'the child \emph{always} gets lost' #154 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn,info} ʔəcá x̣ʷil̕ ʔəcá x̣ʷil̕ I get.lost 'It is I that gets lost' #155 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn,info} díbəɬ x̣ʷil̕ díbəɬ x̣ʷil̕ We get.lost 'It is we that get lost' #156 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn,info} dəgʷí x̣ʷil̕ dəgʷí x̣ʷil̕ You get.lost 'It is you that gets lost' #157 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} gʷəlápu x̣ʷil̕ gʷəlápu x̣ʷil̕ Y'all get.lost 'It is y'll that get lost' #158 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {pn} díɬ x̣ʷil̕ díɬ x̣ʷil̕ Y'all get.lost 'It is he/she/it/them that get(s) lost' #159 Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: g Phenomena: {wo,info} ʔik̕ʷidb ʔə ti č̓ač̓as ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid-b ʔə t-i č̓ač̓as t-i ʔalʔəl sweep-pass P det.def-dir child det.def-dir house 'the house is swept by the child' #160 Passives constructions must have the passive suffix Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo,info} ʔik̕ʷid ʔə ti č̓ač̓as ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid ʔə t-i č̓ač̓as t-i ʔalʔəl sweep P det.def-dir child det.def-dir house 'the house is swept by the child' #161 Passives constructions must have the passive preposition Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo,info} ʔik̕ʷidb ti č̓ač̓as ti ʔalʔəl ʔik̕ʷid-b t-i č̓ač̓as t-i ʔalʔəl sweep-pass det.def-dir child det.def-dir house 'the house is swept by the child' #162 In passives, the subject precedes the object Source: author Vetted: f Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo,info} ʔik̕ʷidb ti ʔalʔəl ʔə ti č̓ač̓as ʔik̕ʷid-b t-i ʔalʔəl ʔə t-i č̓ač̓as sweep-pass P det.def-dir child det.def-dir house 'the house is swept by the child'