Category: spam

  • I was going to write an opinion article….

    But then I thought better of the idea. Anyone who still takes bn seriously after the recent terrorist actions is likely not going to be swayed by facts, proof of their hypocrisy, their total lack of participation in the community and failure to engage with campaigns they claim to support. Rather than taking the time…

  • Is Boycott Novell interested in fixing the problem?

    Roy, Would you like to work with me to fix the US patent system? I sure would like it if you’d stop saying mean things about the most active and effective Free Software developers I know. If we have to fix the broken patent system in order for you to stop giving F/OSS a black…

  • not interested in solving problems

    But don’t take my word for it. The folks on their IRC channel have put it pretty plainly themselves. They’re not interested in offering solutions to problems, they instead seem interested in bemoaning their lot in life for fun and profit. — Log opened Wed Sep 03 23:06:26 2008 23:06 -!- Irssi: #boycottnovell: Total of…

  • Back online…

    Sorry for the outage, folks. We’re back up now. This time with a firewall. Ain’t that fun? Someone broke in to the machine in February and was using the un-throttled bandwidth to spam the world. I’ve added a throttle and firewall, much stricter access to the internal network, monitoring tools and an alert infrastructure. Hopefully…

  • ad blocking

    add “*click*” to your adblock filter list. You’ll be happier. Really. spammers suck.

  • Oh noes! Guitar Hero is trying to get me!

    So. One of my policies has been “don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it.” I made an exception to this rule and privately knocked Guitar Hero. I want to apologize now for this misdeed. Maybe if I apologize, the ads for it will stop. Oh, please. Also, someone play it with me, so I can…

  • Tagged Message Delivery Agent challenge / response layer

  • spam is getting on my nerves again

    I’m getting too many pieces of spam per diem, so I’ve turned on my “forward to the feds” procmail rule. Enjoy!

  • spamassassin tls plugin

    Anybody got a tls plugin for spamassassin? Something that will check to see whether incoming mail is signed by a certificate known to and trusted by spamd?

  • Lalala.

    This is my first wordpress blog post. I’m getting a lot of spammy spam on my movable type blog. I don’t like it. Plus, WordPress is Free Software and movable type is not. Richard is my friend. I’m thinking I’m going to move all my blogs here. Yeah.