I had to fill out a Bio today… here’s what I wrote.

My background includes experience in system administration, network operation, technical support, and development of applications on server and client side.

My primary operating system is Debian GNU/Linux.
My primary programming languages are C# and Perl.
I run a small family ISP on a not-for-profit basis: http://colliertech.org/
I am a “charter” member of a group originally know as “The Linux Internet Support Co-Operative” (LISC). The group is now known as the Open Projects Network (OPN) and is best known for its involvement with the freenode.net IRC servers.
I hold r/w access to the source code repositories of many “open source” projects including Mono, GNOME, and many projects hosted by sourceforge.
I self-identify as a Free Software developer, non-pauline christian, democratic socialist and egalitarian.
I find the work done by the free software / open source community fascinating and attempt to contribute to the project with time available to me.

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